Es muy fácil quedarse hasta tarde encerrado en la oficina trabajando y de esta manera nunca se consigue el tiempo suficiente para ponerse en forma. Si queremos mantener el tipo hay que empezar a tomarse un descanso y dar la vuelta a la manzana.
Cuesta mucho sacar tiempo cada día para ir al gimnasio y hacer algo de ejercicio. Sin embargo, hay mucha gente que no tiene tiempo y aún así se mantiene en forma. ¿Cuál es su truco? Dar un paseo a la hora de la comida. En vez de sentarnos nada más terminar de comer, es bueno salir y dar un paseo alrededor de la oficina o la manzana, o incluso para aquellos que comen un bocata o un sándwich, comer a la vez que andan. Si eres de las que llevan tacones a la oficina, métete un par de bailarinas en el bolso y te cambias para que tus pies no sufran.
Andar aporta muchos beneficios, tanto físicos como mentales. Puedes llegar a quemar 100 calorías y más con un paseo de 20 minutos. Si pretendes deshacerte de esos kilitos de más, caminar a la hora de comer además de tus ejercicios diarios, te ayudará a eliminarlos muchos antes. Y no sólo ayuda al cuerpo, sino que caminar aumenta las endorfinas que alivian el estrés, la fatiga y el mal genio. Cuando quieras tomarte un descanso de sea lo que sea lo que estás haciendo, ponte la zapatillas y a andar.
It´s hard to make some time each day to go to the gym and get some exercise done. However, many people do not have the time and still stays in shape. What´s their trick? Going for a walk at lunch time. Instead of sitting down once you´re finished eating, it´s good to get out and take a walk around the office or the block, or even for those who eat a sandwich they can eat while walking. If you like to wear heels to the office, put a pair of flats in your purse and change into them so your feet don´t suffer.
Walking has many benefits, both physically and mentally. You can burn upwards of 100 calories from a 20 minute walk. If you´re looking to drop a couple extra pounds, walking during lunch time in addition to your daily exercise will help you get rid of them faster. And not only does it help your body but walking boosts the endorphins that ease stress, fatigue and anger. Whenever you want to take a break from whatever it is you're doing, put your sneakers on and walk.
It's easy to get caught up in the office working late hours making it hard to find some time to get in shape. If you want to maintain your figure you have to start to take a break and go around the block.
It´s hard to make some time each day to go to the gym and get some exercise done. However, many people do not have the time and still stays in shape. What´s their trick? Going for a walk at lunch time. Instead of sitting down once you´re finished eating, it´s good to get out and take a walk around the office or the block, or even for those who eat a sandwich they can eat while walking. If you like to wear heels to the office, put a pair of flats in your purse and change into them so your feet don´t suffer.
Walking has many benefits, both physically and mentally. You can burn upwards of 100 calories from a 20 minute walk. If you´re looking to drop a couple extra pounds, walking during lunch time in addition to your daily exercise will help you get rid of them faster. And not only does it help your body but walking boosts the endorphins that ease stress, fatigue and anger. Whenever you want to take a break from whatever it is you're doing, put your sneakers on and walk.
¿Te gusta pasear? ¿Cómo mantienes tu cuerpo en forma?
Do you like walking? How do you keep your body in shape?
Do you like walking? How do you keep your body in shape?
Gracias por su mensaje usted. Esta es una excelente información.
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