Se acercan las fiestas, y con ellas las calorías tan temidas por todos. Polvorones, turrones, dulces y las comilonas entre el 24 de Diciembre y el 6 de Enero nos dificultan mucho el que no ganemos unos kilitos de más. Al terminar estas fechas empiezan las rebajas y no queremos comprarnos una talla más por el peso acumulado en las fiestas y que posteriormente no nos valga. Con trucos como estos podrás sobrevivir las navidades y mantener tu figura.
Programa tus ejercicios: en esta época descuidamos los ejercicios, no mantenemos un orden con los horarios, pero es uno de los momentos más importantes para mantenernos en forma. Haz del fitness una prioridad. Los ejercicios en el gimnasio no sólo te ayudarán a mantenerte en forma, sino que aliviarán el estrés de estos tiempos, sobre todo a aquellos a los que les toca organizarlo todo. Prueba también a darte un buen paseo después de las grandes comidas y aprovecha para darte una vuelta viendo las luces navideñas.
Empieza la cuenta: fácilmente nos olvidamos de lo que hemos comido, así que lleva la cuenta sumando las calorías que tomas en la calculadora de tu móvil (con las nuevas tecnologías incluso tenemos aplicaciones en el móvil para las calorías). Cuando de aperitivos se trate, guarda los palillos en una servilleta y así sabrás cuantos llevas. Sólo porque sean pequeños no quiere decir que sus calorías también.
No pases hambre: el hambre nos hace hacer locuras. Endúlzate con un bombón, cómete un canapé ligero o distraídamente tómate tres galletas en vez de una. Tampoco hay que volverse famélico. Cuando vayas de compras llévate una bolsita con algo para picar o una barrita de cereales para evitar el hambre de mediodía. Lo último que quieres hacer es ir con hambre al supermercado, acabarás comprando lo innecesario. Y si vas a una fiesta cómete unas galletitas antes de salir de casa y así evitarás atacar las bandejas de aperitivos al llegar.
Bebe con cabeza: las celebraciones son momentos en los que bebemos mucho. Debemos poner un límite o beber equilibradamente. Entre copas haz un descanso y pásate al agua. Cuanto más alcohol bebemos, más hambre nos da (y más sed) y más calorías ingerimos, pero si bebemos agua se nos irá tanto apetito. Además es muy importante mantener nuestro cuerpo bien hidratado. Prueba a beberte un buen vaso de agua antes de comer. Es uno de lo mejores trucos y no falla.
Racionaliza: cuando te acerques con tu plato al buffet recuerda que todo irá directo a las caderas y muslos. Procura comer sólo cuando tengas hambre, no lo confundamos con la gula. Reparte: el 40% del plato deberías ser frutas y vegetales; otro 40% proteínas cárnicas, como pavo pero sin la piel; el 20% restante lo dejamos para postres y grasas. Recuerda comer despacio y masticando bien. A veces estamos tentados a repetir, pero antes de ir a por más, bebe un vaso de agua, verás cómo se te pasa el hambre. Si estás especialmente preocupada por coger peso, utiliza un plato más pequeño, así cogerás menos comida.
Al final todo es cuestión de voluntad. Como dicen estudios psicológicos, “la voluntad es como un músculo”, cuanto más lo trabajamos, más fuerte se hace, pero también puede cansarse, lo cual es la excusa perfecta para darnos un capricho de vez en cuando. ¡Al fin y al cabo las fiestas son para disfrutarlas!
Schedule your exercise: this time of the year we don´t do our exercises, don´t keep our schedule in order, but it´s one of the most important times to keep in shape. Make fitness a priority. The exercises in the gym not only help you stay in shape, but will ease the stress of this season, especially for those who have to organize everything. Also try to go for a good walk after big meals and go see the Christmas lights around.
Start counting: easily we forget what we have eaten, so count your calories by adding them with your phone´s calculator (with new technologies you even have mobile applications for calories). When dealing with snacks, keep the chopsticks on a napkin so you know how many you ate. Just because they are small it doesn´t mean that their calories are small too.
Do not go hungry: hunger makes us do crazy things. Have a sweet, eat a light snack or absentmindedly eat three cookies instead of one. Don’t let yourself become ravenous. When you go shopping bring along a bag with some snacks or a granola bar to avoid mid-day hunger. The last thing you want to do is go to the supermarket hungry, you'll end up buying unnecessary food. And if you go to a party eat some crackers before you leave home and you'll avoid attacking the snack tray as soon as you get there.
Drink wisely: holidays are times when we drink a lot. We must put a limit or a drinking balance. Take a break from alcoholic drinks and switch to water. The more alcohol we drink, the hungrier we get (and thirsty) and we eat more calories, but if we drink water we´ll loose appetite. It is very important to keep our body well hydrated. Try to drink a glass of water before eating. It´s one of the best tricks and never fails.
Rationalize: when you approach the buffet remember that everything will go straight to the hips and thighs. Try to eat only when you are actually hungry. Distribute: 40% of the plate should be fruits and veggies, another 40% meat protein, like turkey without the skin, the remaining 20% left for desserts and fats. Remember to eat slowly and chew well. Sometimes we are tempted to go for another round, but before going back for more, drink a glass of water, you'll see how the hunger goes away. If you are particularly concerned about gaining weight, use a smaller plate, so you will take less food.
In the end, everything is a matter of willpower. As they psychology studies say, "willpower is like a muscle," the more you work it, the stronger it becomes, but it can also get fatigued, which is the perfect excuse to give ourselves a treat occasionally. After all, it´s a holiday season, so enjoy yourself!
The holidays are around the corner and so are the so feared calories. Almond cookies, candies, sweets and feasting between December 24 and January 6 make it very hard for us to not gain a few extra pounds. Right after the holidays, sales start and we don´t want to get clothes a size bigger and have them not fit later on. With tricks like these you can survive the holidays and keep your figure.
Schedule your exercise: this time of the year we don´t do our exercises, don´t keep our schedule in order, but it´s one of the most important times to keep in shape. Make fitness a priority. The exercises in the gym not only help you stay in shape, but will ease the stress of this season, especially for those who have to organize everything. Also try to go for a good walk after big meals and go see the Christmas lights around.
Start counting: easily we forget what we have eaten, so count your calories by adding them with your phone´s calculator (with new technologies you even have mobile applications for calories). When dealing with snacks, keep the chopsticks on a napkin so you know how many you ate. Just because they are small it doesn´t mean that their calories are small too.
Do not go hungry: hunger makes us do crazy things. Have a sweet, eat a light snack or absentmindedly eat three cookies instead of one. Don’t let yourself become ravenous. When you go shopping bring along a bag with some snacks or a granola bar to avoid mid-day hunger. The last thing you want to do is go to the supermarket hungry, you'll end up buying unnecessary food. And if you go to a party eat some crackers before you leave home and you'll avoid attacking the snack tray as soon as you get there.
Drink wisely: holidays are times when we drink a lot. We must put a limit or a drinking balance. Take a break from alcoholic drinks and switch to water. The more alcohol we drink, the hungrier we get (and thirsty) and we eat more calories, but if we drink water we´ll loose appetite. It is very important to keep our body well hydrated. Try to drink a glass of water before eating. It´s one of the best tricks and never fails.
Rationalize: when you approach the buffet remember that everything will go straight to the hips and thighs. Try to eat only when you are actually hungry. Distribute: 40% of the plate should be fruits and veggies, another 40% meat protein, like turkey without the skin, the remaining 20% left for desserts and fats. Remember to eat slowly and chew well. Sometimes we are tempted to go for another round, but before going back for more, drink a glass of water, you'll see how the hunger goes away. If you are particularly concerned about gaining weight, use a smaller plate, so you will take less food.
In the end, everything is a matter of willpower. As they psychology studies say, "willpower is like a muscle," the more you work it, the stronger it becomes, but it can also get fatigued, which is the perfect excuse to give ourselves a treat occasionally. After all, it´s a holiday season, so enjoy yourself!
¿Cómo te cuidas tú durante las fiestas?
How you do you take care of yourself during the holidays?
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